Monday, January 10, 2011

Zeitoun Blog 4 pg 168

Is this justice? To take a man without reason into prison equal to that of Guantanimo bay and the lack of care for the prisoners itself is horrific. I thought this was America not some dictatorship like that Trujillo had done. This is disturbing to see that the country I live in didn't bust its ass to go in New Orleans and help these people not hurt them. They had the time and materials to build the caged prison Zeitoun was in why didn't they take they're resources to help the people instead of capturing people. The fact that he was assumed to be Al Kida or Taliban was ridiculous. Did the soldiers actually think that Zeitoun and his friends were planning on doing some major destruction to a city well underwater? Were they going to loot like the rest of the people in the town and since his friend Nassear and him had a dark skin tone that looked middle eastern they were assumed Taliban? Cmon America! This is ridiculous. The conditions of which he lives in and the abuse he has undergone were torturous and they were caused to him because?....Because he was found in the city? At this point of the book Americas government really looks like it gives a rats ass about its people but the legal and financial issues that go into helping. Who cares!? Just go down and send every capable man of helping down to New Orleans to revive the city and its people. When they are treated like this what does the governemnt expect? Im ashamed of our country and how it broke promise after promise. All the people trusted the govvernment and after the government turns its back on them who are they supposed to trust? They have to fend for themselves thats what happens and it shouldn't be like that this isn't a third world country. The government has the money to help when it wants to its just a whole major city being underwater isn't as important as the war on terror. If its more important than those peoples lives I would like to ask a question "Where is this war on terror occuring and is it actually helping? Are we preventing what could happen here?" I'd like to see Pres. Bushes response but I doubt it would be different than any other responses he's given. Im just severely dissipointed.


  1. After finishing the documentary When the Leaves Broke, i was shocked with the lack of effort are government put forth. First off the government did not build the leaves to standard regulation,and was not even able to hold a category 3 hurricane and New Orleans was expecting a category 5 hurricane. Thankfully the hurricane did not hit with full strength because one can not imagine the damage that would have been done. One of the most shocking pieces of information to me is that the media began calling the citizens of New Orleans and other states refugees, which gave a negative connotation to the people, make them seem as if they were no longer citizens. It was as if America had abandoned those victims, and now they were outcasts in our country. After getting a better idea what the government put those people through i am ashamed to call my self an American, because American's do not leave other American's behind and left for dead. America needs to sort of its' priorities and help the people who need it the most.

  2. I agree and I just don't understand what the government was doing. Where was the government? Huh? I mean honestly thats bullshit that they didn't help and while they were trying to figure out how many people they will send to New Orleans to help and write the checks and bills for the funding people were dying! For days on end! If the government really wanted to step in and help it would have been done as the documentary said "We have seen the country do it before" but I guess there are more important matters to tend to than they're own peoples lives.
