Friday, April 29, 2011

April 29th BLog

Today I made a poster that I will ask to be approved in class and I made notes on all of the research I have gathered. I researched about the phsychology of why a person would become an extremist and how our country should be instead of being so concerned with religion. If people were to tolerate each other they would learn that they could coexist and we could forge stronger relationships with each other and reduce violence. I think people should be educated about their religion so that they understand that they can change themselves and to not try to change other people. They could suggest it to a person in a polite manner or come up with logical reasons as to why it would be good to folow their religion but sextremes should not be taken.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Last research sites

These are the last research sites that descirbe religious extremism in different ways and view points:

1) This mainly talks about terrorism and how we as The United States should be careful in seaking to extinguish our enemies because we could make some on accident thinking that they were terrorists.

2) This talks about the U.S.A. and how it should face the religious extremism that happens on U.S. soils.

3) Here is a website that is dedicated to reveal religious extremisim in our country and gorups that attack certain people's.

4) Here is an Athiest website that describes Christian extremisim from an Athiest point of view

5) This is an anti relgious extremism website describing what they think it is and a survey to see if you are.

6) This is the definition of extremism.

7) I haven't done this yet but I will be interviewing a man I know who is an expert in philosophy and I will be asking him multiple questions as to what he thinks religious extremism is and where it roots from as well as a common theme between all religions.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Websites that I've been using

1) Brief summary encompassing the physcological aspect and the history of why it goes on. Also how in modern days it has been going on more frequently because its easier to get acces to weapons.

2) Here is a blog created by someone of an athiest belief and his output with logic within it instead of religon.

3)A sceintific way at looking at extremists.

Religious Extremism: New topic

I think I have finally found something I would like to pursue studying. I find it intriguing to see the reasons people try resolving they're problems with violence because they were "told to" by they're God or whomever it may be. It's frightening to see that people get killed all the time for they're religious beliefs even here in America. I started to look on the websites given for a topic and fell upon this one on a list. I thought it would be interesting so I clicked it and seconds later there was a page or so summary giving me much detail that I learned. To see that people act out like this because they feel that when other's disagree they misinterpret it as a threat against they're sense of self. I noticed how much this goes into the physcological aspect of the actual person which I was expecting but I think is really cool.
Israeli bus destroyed by suicide bomberThis is the remains of a bombing in Jerusalem caused by a Palestinian suicide bomber that is being sift through by Israeli forensic experts.

Its things like this that interest me on why they happen. I know that they happen because the person strongly believes in whatever has been told to them and in some religion's interpretation. I would like to see thought if there could be a way to stop this. To get a peaceful understanding between all. But then again you could say as long as there is religion, there will be violence between groups with different beliefs.