Monday, November 8, 2010

The Death Penalty

I think Clifford Boggess should have been sentenced to the death penalty because not only did he kill one person but he killed two and it shows how he is willing to kill someone again if he ‘has’ to. Also as his uncle said the man was a lier and you couldn’t tell when he was being real with you and when he was putting on a show. The guy simply couldn’t be trusted. To put this guy prison for life would just be too much money and prison should be for the people who haven’t done such offensess such as killing. But if a person is put in prison after killing multiples peoples it has to be shown that this person has made a change mentally and can see what they did wrong. With Clifford he showed that but it couldn’t be determined if this was all an act or not. Not only that but he had drawn pictures of the prison wall inside one of his paintings hidden. Why it was hidden we don’t know but the fact that he was trying to hide it and get it past security is suspicious. The fact is people can be given a second chance, its just he blew it with the painting and hes not really a trust worthy person. I believe he isn’t because before his death he stopped talking to a good friend because she didn’t believe in what he was doing with his money after his death. He friended random people who were of his religion and change to catholisism. He did it abruptly which to me makes his actions and behaviors seem a little weird to me.
Its hard to say if Clifford changed or not. He did paint and he became a christian but did he really believe in his religion or was it a hoax everyone to give him a life sentence? We wont knot now especially since he is dead but I don’t think he changed really because once you have that mentallity at such a young age and then in teenage years stay the same its hard to change from that because that’s the concrete of your life. When you’re a teenager that’s where you begin to shape your personality and habbits and such. He killed people and the mentallity behind to me didn’t change. I could see him doing it again.
I don’t believe he should have been killed just because the families wanted him dead. That’s not the right reason that’s just revenge and killing a person for those reasons is just stooping down to the criminals level. None the less he was killed but after he was dead it actually did help Liza Hazleworth feel better but that still doesn’t not make it right to kill someone for revenge. They should be judged if they are to be killed from they’re crimes and the changes the person has made.

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