Monday, December 13, 2010

Abortion Blog People

Willie Bast
1.    The quick facts on the National right to life web page are convincing because of the studies they have done as well as they’re information they give out. I didn’t know the baby’s heart starts to beat at 22 days or so that is pretty crazy because that could be a determining factor on when an abortion is legal. If the baby’s heart is beating does it feel the pain? They also point on the website that many people don’t know the procedures of the surgery when applying for an abortion. Weird thinking that they don’t know what happens and just want to do it being ignorant about what they are putting themselves through. On the website that is pro-choice they confront many of the ideas of the National rights to life by saying the crisis centers intentionally lead woman away from abortion and are extremely biased. It’s just a disguise which to me I find interesting because to me that’s like fooling the customer and when the customer is looking for an abortion and asks where she can have this procedure performed the people in the crisis centers don’t give any information leading the woman to clinics or where she could find help. It’s simply misleading which is unfair. There are refusal clauses too on the website stating that pharmacies can decline people of birth control because that pharmacy disapproves birth control pills. That’s just crazy to me because the people working in the pharmacy are supposed to help the customer out and shouldn’t be able to decide if they as a pharmacy are against it or not. That’s also unfair because the woman has to look somewhere else then and what if there isn’t a pharmacy within a driving distance or other transportation way? I don’t think they should stop abortions overall that’s just crazy and this would be a step towards that. I think both are convincing if you read the pages shown on the websites but I would have to say I think the pro-choice website would be winning because they’re website looks more official, clean and more reliable than that of the other source. But winning would probably be the pro-life movement. They just keep pushing the issue forward in court and seeing where the line is on abortion until they can’t go any further and the pro-choice movement has little power if any to stop decisions in court like that from prevailing.
2.    I being a 17 year old I think it’s important to have the sexual education because then I have more of an understanding of my body and woman’s and how it happens.  I mean people can be uneducated and think that they can get away without using a condom and such because they “pull out” or other things and I think kids need to be informed on what does and what doesn’t prevent pregnancies. Parents should have no say in this I think because the parents can dictate the future of their child and I think the child should be the one to decide what she wants to do with her body and what can be also the healthier thing at this age. They shouldn’t have a choice because it’s not the parents body. Does the kid ever have to consent to any of the parents medical problems? No. Then why should the parents have a choice if they should have a grandchild or not? They kid could be ignorant and immature. Not ready for the challenges of having a child.
3.    I think the father should be notified that she is pregnant and that she is going to have an abortion but the father should have no decision because it’s not his body that is bearing the child. The wish to have the child lies in the mother. If the mother did not want to have a kid and the father did and the consent of the father was needed for an abortion that would not be fair. The father should think about that before he impregnates her because he should know he will have no choice.
4.    Illinois does not cover many people insurance wise with they’re abortions which isn’t that bad its just many mothers in my view will need the help to raise the kid and being insured would help. I also don’t like how certain services can be refused by Illinois to woman who want abortions. Laws such as these I honestly don’t think are fair because the pro-life movement is singling out abortion from other procedures which to me is unfair compared to other procedures. If we are able to pick on one we should be able to pick on all of them then.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Death penalty blog #3

1)      The guilt phase trial and the pre-trial can protect the defendant the most. I think people can be wrongly convicted or persecuted because a “witness” or  informants can say things and blame people who have no connecion with the crime whatsoever and the police use the information given to them if they cant find anything else on the case as they’re base of the case which I think can be misleading. I think the defendant is protected to a certain degree. Evidence from the crime scene or such doesn’t always point to the right person so they blame someone. I think the police should look more thoroughly into cases to make sure the defendant is guilty without a doubt.
2)      I would say the lethal injections are the most humane of the executions. All of them besides the lethal injections are inhumane because there can be mistakes in all of them that can lead to either severe pain or slowly dying from the execution. Even though the lethal injections can have mistakes too it still is the most humane because the inmate dies peacfully in they’re sleep.
3)      Lots of inhumane ways of execution still exist to me I find weird because its a “cruel and unusual” punishment. The penalty is used a lot more than I actually thought and knew. This changed the perspective of which I see it because I see numbers on the states now rather then just hearing numbers. This helped me a lot because im a very visual person and it helps me understand the significance of the numbers of killed people and death row inmates. Texas and California have a lot of death penalties which I quite understand why but would like to know. It is equal I think I mean a lot of killed inmates and death row inmates are white and there are about the same amount of blacks as whites.
4)      The facts are staring at me and I have the same response as the one before this. It doesn’t really help it says and race whise I think its pretty fair from what the statistics show. The public doesn’t really think it helps stop homocides but approves of it. It has an unbiased opinion from what Ive seen of the statistics but it lets you see both sides of the story really by showing everything involved with the cases as a majority.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Death Penalty

I think Clifford Boggess should have been sentenced to the death penalty because not only did he kill one person but he killed two and it shows how he is willing to kill someone again if he ‘has’ to. Also as his uncle said the man was a lier and you couldn’t tell when he was being real with you and when he was putting on a show. The guy simply couldn’t be trusted. To put this guy prison for life would just be too much money and prison should be for the people who haven’t done such offensess such as killing. But if a person is put in prison after killing multiples peoples it has to be shown that this person has made a change mentally and can see what they did wrong. With Clifford he showed that but it couldn’t be determined if this was all an act or not. Not only that but he had drawn pictures of the prison wall inside one of his paintings hidden. Why it was hidden we don’t know but the fact that he was trying to hide it and get it past security is suspicious. The fact is people can be given a second chance, its just he blew it with the painting and hes not really a trust worthy person. I believe he isn’t because before his death he stopped talking to a good friend because she didn’t believe in what he was doing with his money after his death. He friended random people who were of his religion and change to catholisism. He did it abruptly which to me makes his actions and behaviors seem a little weird to me.
Its hard to say if Clifford changed or not. He did paint and he became a christian but did he really believe in his religion or was it a hoax everyone to give him a life sentence? We wont knot now especially since he is dead but I don’t think he changed really because once you have that mentallity at such a young age and then in teenage years stay the same its hard to change from that because that’s the concrete of your life. When you’re a teenager that’s where you begin to shape your personality and habbits and such. He killed people and the mentallity behind to me didn’t change. I could see him doing it again.
I don’t believe he should have been killed just because the families wanted him dead. That’s not the right reason that’s just revenge and killing a person for those reasons is just stooping down to the criminals level. None the less he was killed but after he was dead it actually did help Liza Hazleworth feel better but that still doesn’t not make it right to kill someone for revenge. They should be judged if they are to be killed from they’re crimes and the changes the person has made.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Watching the video If you really knew me made me think that there are possible solutions and that every school needs this no matter which because it can possibly stop bullying. The solutions this video brought up was that people were able to speak to one another about they’re experiences in life and what makes it so hard and trying to keep a school status at the same time. People were able to say sorry for all the things they had done to others and fix past relationships with each other. People learned stuff about each other they never knew before which made it easy to talk. This was a good way for the kids to reach out and explain how they feel and are tired of the pressure. Even if the school doesn’t have problems with bullying it can help the kids get comfortable with each other and possibly behave nicer.
In an article I read 1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead by own hand it reflected on how the kids were bullied to death and recent events since two of the familys are suing the school in Ohio. In this article it listed the kids who were bullied. One was bullied for being gay, one  was bullied for wearing pink, one was bullied for having a learning disability and one commited suicide with antidepressents. All of this had happened at one school and now the parents of two of the families are suing the school for not protecting the kids from the bullys. The school could have done an assembly of some sort to stop the bullying. This school has a tendency to have students commit suicide they should have done something to prevent any more suicides.
At DHS I don’t think it’s a big problem. Im not saying there isnt any but its not that big of a problem here. I think DHS is different because people are more accepting here and we were taught by the schools and our parents that certain things such as bullying and other bad habits arent accepted in this community. I also think we don’t classify certain behaviors as bullying such as people avoiding others because they think they’re weird. I see it a lot at this school and people just avoid others and those people who are avoided probably feel really alone. Its not like they are being bullied but they are being shunned by most people.
Potential solutions that I think are affective consist of the school performing a school assembly that shows that the school is not tolerable of bullying and what is considered bullying and what happens when you bully. It should be serious unlike our 7 reasons to leave a party assembly. I think it is up to the teachers to watch out for kids being bully to stand up for them and warning kids who are bullying that they can get in serious trouble and if they do it more than once or twice they can be sent to the deans. The teachers should help do that but it all comes down to affecting the students behavior. We need for them to stand up for each other and show how bullying isn’t correct and to stop it. 75% of the way to stop bullying is up to the kids and how they will behave. To stop bullying you need to show them that bullying isn’t correct and that if a teacher isn’t there, its up to the student to stop it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug testing in schools

I think that drug testing isn’t the best way of testing wether students are using illegal substances. The tests may show which illegal drugs they used such as marijuana or heroine etc., but it doesn’t exactly show if kids have been abusing alchohol because that can leave the body system in 24 hours and would not show up on tests. In result of drug testing kids would be more likely to use alchohol which can be a more serious drug since it could produce more accidents and such. The  blue sheet I have gives insight of this by expalining “Drug testing says very little about who is misusing or abusing drugs…Additionally, students misusing other harmful substances not detected by drug tests will not be identified” (Blue Sheet). Drug testing can only go so far and it doesn’t tell everything a person has done in the past 24 hours.
In some cases it does though, some medications people such as anitbiotics and medications for allergies have come up positive for certain illegal drugs. Such a case happened when student Mike Brown was randomly drug tested when he was prescribed medicine and the schools test came up positive for him taking cocaine. Later they drug tested him randomly for six months “…and began to feel harassed and stigmitized as a result” (Blue Sheet). After being yelled at for not having enough urine to make a sixth sample the Browns decided to remove him from the drug testing program making Mike Brown unable to participate in extracurricular activities. Some tests are wrong and could really hurt kids like it did with the Brown case. That’s why there shouldn’t be drug testing.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This video gave me insight to see what happend during and after. Not gonna lie I have never seen the video of the plane crash and I never knew about the after math of the whole catastrophe. This was insanity. But to see the people coming together to help each other and try and calm each other down was just amazing. The caring through out that was awsome. I just cant fathome why people did that. None of that had to happen. It was just how some people who interpreted that karan in a way that is considered terrorism who convinced the minds of many to do this. Just sad that this happend.