Friday, March 4, 2011

Egypt Protests and Healthy rats. Do we as humans have the potential to be like the rats?

Egypt erupted in a mass protest in January 2011 against they're President Hosni Mubarak. After 18 days the president resigned and gave all the power to the army on January 2011 ending his 30 year rule and changing history in the Egypt and Arabic world. On a different note, studies also have shown that excerise could actually keep you youthfull for longer. The professors of McMaster University found that excerise could keep you alive and youthfull for a onger period of time with a study they conducted on rats. They changed all the rats DNA so they would grow old at an extremely fast pace. Half of the mice were dead or extremely gray and frail in a year but the other half were running 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week and they still were youthful with no gray hairs, strong and fit. Extreme results that the professors did not expect.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Trial recap and Response

1)    During the trial of sexual harassment I thought it could have gone either way even though I sided more with guilty because what he did was sexual harassment because she told him to stop and he did not stop plus the company did nothing to help. The trial of date rape I was not pleased with the jury. I wasn’t heard but ignored and I had something to say. She was raped I thought because of how you mentioned the clothes and how she tried to get up but was pulled back. If she was trying to get up and her clothes were still on, it was probably rape. The defendant might not even know he raped her and feels innocent but even he describes it and clearly he raped her. Plus if you look at the people representing each the plaintiff and the defendant the plaintiff had much better people aiding her case. David had a child psychologist on his case and a friend. Not credible at all. I thought he was guilty for rape even if he didn’t see it as rape but should have been charged for something less. We’re trying to teach him a lesson not put him in prison for life. He didn’t even know what he did was wrong but I think he should have been put in prison anywhere from 1-3 years.

2)    I think people need to know where the line is for sexual harassment and even date rape. It’s scary because what is considered people may not know and if they were informed they wouldn’t have gone so far I think. For instance David I thought was a nice, innocent guy and respectful to a certain degree and if he was told before or informed about what sexual harassment or date rape was I don’t think he would have raped Susan. From what I know there aren’t problems here about date rape it’s more of the sexual harassment maybe. And I say maybe because maybe some girls don’t take to kindly to jokes that may have sexual references and I know a lot of them are made here. But I haven’t really heard girls stand up for themselves either and say stop so maybe they’re fine with it I don’t know. It might add to the problems around here if anything but very minimal. I don’t see it being a problem and if others do I think they should speak out to let people know it’s uncomfortable for them. For these problems to be addressed the person(‘s) being offended by sexual behavior, comments, references whatever it may be should say they’re uncomfortable with that type of behavior and that the person should stop. If the person doesn’t stop simply tell a teacher or someone with authority. If they don’t report it, they feel targeted. So they should seek someone who can stop it right away if the assailant is persistent with the harassment.