Monday, December 13, 2010

Abortion Blog People

Willie Bast
1.    The quick facts on the National right to life web page are convincing because of the studies they have done as well as they’re information they give out. I didn’t know the baby’s heart starts to beat at 22 days or so that is pretty crazy because that could be a determining factor on when an abortion is legal. If the baby’s heart is beating does it feel the pain? They also point on the website that many people don’t know the procedures of the surgery when applying for an abortion. Weird thinking that they don’t know what happens and just want to do it being ignorant about what they are putting themselves through. On the website that is pro-choice they confront many of the ideas of the National rights to life by saying the crisis centers intentionally lead woman away from abortion and are extremely biased. It’s just a disguise which to me I find interesting because to me that’s like fooling the customer and when the customer is looking for an abortion and asks where she can have this procedure performed the people in the crisis centers don’t give any information leading the woman to clinics or where she could find help. It’s simply misleading which is unfair. There are refusal clauses too on the website stating that pharmacies can decline people of birth control because that pharmacy disapproves birth control pills. That’s just crazy to me because the people working in the pharmacy are supposed to help the customer out and shouldn’t be able to decide if they as a pharmacy are against it or not. That’s also unfair because the woman has to look somewhere else then and what if there isn’t a pharmacy within a driving distance or other transportation way? I don’t think they should stop abortions overall that’s just crazy and this would be a step towards that. I think both are convincing if you read the pages shown on the websites but I would have to say I think the pro-choice website would be winning because they’re website looks more official, clean and more reliable than that of the other source. But winning would probably be the pro-life movement. They just keep pushing the issue forward in court and seeing where the line is on abortion until they can’t go any further and the pro-choice movement has little power if any to stop decisions in court like that from prevailing.
2.    I being a 17 year old I think it’s important to have the sexual education because then I have more of an understanding of my body and woman’s and how it happens.  I mean people can be uneducated and think that they can get away without using a condom and such because they “pull out” or other things and I think kids need to be informed on what does and what doesn’t prevent pregnancies. Parents should have no say in this I think because the parents can dictate the future of their child and I think the child should be the one to decide what she wants to do with her body and what can be also the healthier thing at this age. They shouldn’t have a choice because it’s not the parents body. Does the kid ever have to consent to any of the parents medical problems? No. Then why should the parents have a choice if they should have a grandchild or not? They kid could be ignorant and immature. Not ready for the challenges of having a child.
3.    I think the father should be notified that she is pregnant and that she is going to have an abortion but the father should have no decision because it’s not his body that is bearing the child. The wish to have the child lies in the mother. If the mother did not want to have a kid and the father did and the consent of the father was needed for an abortion that would not be fair. The father should think about that before he impregnates her because he should know he will have no choice.
4.    Illinois does not cover many people insurance wise with they’re abortions which isn’t that bad its just many mothers in my view will need the help to raise the kid and being insured would help. I also don’t like how certain services can be refused by Illinois to woman who want abortions. Laws such as these I honestly don’t think are fair because the pro-life movement is singling out abortion from other procedures which to me is unfair compared to other procedures. If we are able to pick on one we should be able to pick on all of them then.